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You have big plans, but you don't know where to start. Fill out the form and we'll guide you through the whole process to find the farn for you. We will help you:
Decide on a farm. |
Walk you through the business model. |
Share our manufacturing and assembly process. |
Show how we'll support you as you grow. |
Would you rather move at your own speed? Scroll on to hear how we recommend getting started.
Fill out the form to get in touch.
Discover the perfect system for your space.
We don't grow if you don't grow.
PLANT EXPERTSWe put plant science first. Our farms are designed to deliver you yield with indoor farming best practices at the heart of what we do. |
SUPPORTWe don't build and leave. We believe in support our growers and ensuring their growth is a success. |
QUALITYWe own our technology. We know that our farms work and have rigorously tested our systems in varied and diverse growing conditions. |
Discover how we build custom-made indoor farms for every space and every scenario.
Want to learn how an indoor growing system would be perfect for your space? Fill out the form to schedule a free consultation to discuss your growing goals.