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At Just Vertical, before another else, we are plant scientists. That means that everything we do is driven by data, research, testing, and iterating. Check out some of our research below that reflects our effort to grow the field of urban agriculture and indoor farming.
We partnered with Seneca College to enhance hydroponic gardening yields in non-ideal conditions and compared the nutrient profiles of our farm-grown plants to local farms and grocery stores.
The research found our farms produced plants with higher mineral and nitrogen content (as well as yield), showcasing superior nutrient profiles in hydroponically grown plants.
Our research with the University of Northern British Columbia highlighted the positive impact of Just Vertical Indoor Growing Units in northern and rural healthcare facilities.
Our farms were shown to significantly enhance residents' well-being by providing year-round access to fresh produce and meaningful gardening activities.
We partnered with the University of Toronto to explores the impact of indoor vegetation for vulnerable population groups in the community. The crux of the project focused on an indoor farm in a Revera Senior Living Facility in Toronto.
The outcome demonstrated significant improvements in qualitative measurements of happiness and joy linked to the introduction of the garden.